
Yass in the middle ages

Torlyon is the local group of the Society for Creative Anachronism (the SCA) in the Yass area of New South Wales, Australia.

Torlyon is a Canton, which is a group within the SCA structure that is sponsored by a larger group – in this case, Torlyon is a Canton of the Barony of Politarchopolis, which is based in Canberra.

The members of Torlyon hold a number of regular events in the Yass area, and welcome newcomers to join them.  If you would like to know a bit more about what the SCA is, and the sorts of activities its members are involved with, check out the home page for the Kingdom of Lochac, which is the SCA group representing all of Australia and New Zealand.

Current contacts and Office Holders

Seneschal Isabella di Millefiora (Bonnie Hanwright)
Reeve Torcail Mac Leoid mhic Iomhair (Terry Rudd)
Herald currently vacant
Marshal currently vacant
Arts & Sciences Ingram Hunttar Michael Hunter

To get in touch with any of these gentles, email torlyon at
